Monday, April 21, 2014

My Time Left

Hi everyone! :)

It has come to my realization that I have less than a month left here at CARE. It's going to be so strange to not get up and make meds, lemur and Bindi food, and water. My last day is May 15th. It's so crazy to think I have been here for three months already...I feel like I just got here, kind of. Obviously not in terms of experience and knowing what to do but it doesn't seem like I've been here for that long. It doesn't seem like it's April. I feel like it was just January, even though I have been in the 80-degree heat. Strange.

I have no idea what I am going to be doing once I'm done and home again. Everyone is seeming to ask me that when they hear I only have one month left and I have no good answer. All I know is that I need to find a job. Obviously. That's what everyone wants to do, but that it easier said than done of course. The one thing I want is a summer job at the very least in which I can be outside and perhaps be doing some kind of manual labor so I won't lose all the muscles I've been building these last few months. I've gotten pretty proud of my biceps now that I've been working them out, pulling cow and horse bodies from the freezer, rolling up hoses, raking, etc. I don't want them to just wither away into nothing just from being lazy.

I do have one solid plan for summer, and that is participating in a summer show musical. The Weymouth Alumni Theatre Company puts on a summer camp for kids all the way through high school, and the "counselors" are the people who graduated from high school already. We put the show together in about 5 weeks and it is a medley of Broadway musical songs. I have been in this show for the past three years, and it is always the highlight of my summer. Some of the best friends I have participate in it, and each summer it's a little different but always amazing.

It's going to be quite strange to go back to Weymouth when I'm used to upper 80 degree weather. Once I get home, it will probably be in the 60s, hopefully 70s. I'm going to be COLD. If I'm not doing super strenuous work like cleaning or tours, anything with a lot of work outside, I'm pretty comfortable in jeans. Methinks I will be a little chilly since I won't be working outside and sweating all the time. Ah well, I'll acclimate as I did down here.

On a happy note, my Mom has been visiting me these past few days, and it's been very nice to have her here. My Dad was supposed to come as well but he got injured a couple days before they were supposed to leave so my Mom made the trip solo. She's helped us on clean day, but unfortunately the sun was just a wee bit strong for her and she got quite a sunburn. So now we aren't really adventuring anywhere because we don't want the sun to bake her skin anymore. She says she's fine with just staying here and not doing anything, and I'm fine with just hanging out, but it would be nice to get out of here and do something. Heidi keeps telling me to go out and leave the compound since I haven't really gone anywhere. Anyway, she's gotten to see me butcher :D And she got to see me feed on the tractor...during a thunderstorm. Yeah. That was kind of terrifying. It was raining when I was butchering, but it didn't really start coming down until we were waiting for Derek to come to the freezer. It was POURING when we were loading the bucket, and when we started to feed. All was going fine until there was a huge crack of thunder and lightning right near us, me in particular since I was up in the air on the bucket, and Derek immediately lowered the bucket and told us to go inside. I had never fed in the rain, let alone in a thunderstorm, so that was an interesting thing for my Mom to see.

I'll definitely be trying to update this more now that my time is dwindling down. I'll be sure to share lots of pictures with you all. :) I apologize for not updating in a little while, it's been hard to find enough time sit down and write. If I do have time, I'm usually falling asleep pretty quick.

Anyway, here are some recent pictures to tide you over!

 Solano looking adorable


 More Solano

 Dahlia :)

Pretty sunrise the other morning



Mwali showing his nice pretty teeth

Donya and Rascal 

Have a great day! :)


  1. Nice shot of Mwali!

  2. You forgot your other summer plan... camping with meeee!! Can't wait to see you! I love the pictures on this post :)
