Sunday, March 9, 2014

"My Three"

The time has finally come when I chose the three cats I would be able to form a closer bond with. I'll be sharing pictures of my babies over the next few posts, depending on when I get pictures with them. Today I happened to have some extra time at the end of the day so I got out my camera with the other intern Candice and we had some fun shooting in the setting sunlight.

Daylight Savings totally kicked my butt this morning because I woke up at 7 am with my phone alarm, but my clock said 6am. I was very sleepy and very confused. Then my brain registered that daylight savings was around this time of year and it made more sense. The entire day seemed to fly by because it was later than I was thinking it was and before I knew it, all the night chores were done and we could come out and take some pictures.

 This post will be focusing on my first pick, Raven, a very sweet black leopard. She recently lost Spotty who lived with her in the enclosure, so I've been keeping a close eye on her to make sure she has been adjusting well enough. She started coming up to say hi to me by the fence every time I walked by so I made the decision to pick her as one of my three. I think I made a good choice considering she comes over to me whenever I call to her and she rubs her face on the fence against my hand and also gives me kisses on my fingers. She's just all kinds of adorable.

Here are some of the pictures from this evening.

Flat-palming the fence so she can rub against my hand safely. No fingers through the fence, because they can get caught very easily if she moves suddenly. Would be a ouch situation.

I love that she's looking up at me in this one :)

 I know you can see teeth, but her tongue is licking. She just looks ferocious while licking. :P

 Tan face, Raven scratching her head on my hand.

I love her.

I'll most likely be taking lots more pictures that will be able to get closer to three of them. :) So there's that to look forward to! 

Have a good day/night!

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